Salman Khan’s latest movie, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, brings a much-hyped and much-awaited action-entertainer, directed by Farhad Samji, making it the third collaboration between the duo. This time around, the movie stars Salman Khan, alongside the beautiful Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is the remake of a Tamil movie, Veeram, starring Ajith which didn’t do well and follows the life of Bhaijaan, a bachelor and elder brother to three younger siblings. Bhaijaan, who surprisingly does not know his real name, is protective of his family and also of his entire colony, which is soon under threat from an evil developer and has to be rescued from danger.
To complicate matters and add to the drama, Bhaji’s younger brothers start to worry about his romantic life, and so enter Bhagya (Pooja Hegde). The beautiful Pooja Hegde manages to add some charm to the movie with her enthusiastic performance and chemistry with Salman Khan.
The plot then takes the audience to Bhagya’s home in Hyderabad, and it is here that Salman Khan gets to exhibit his usual trademark moves, including shirtless dancing in the climax. Unlike real-life, the movie presents Bhaijaan as a saviour who gets away from fighting villains, literally massacering them, with no consequences.
Additionally, the songs by Armaan Malik manage to add some flavour to the movie. With performers from Bigg Boss and other newcomers hailing him and Chennai Express’ “Lungi Dance” inspiring a similar catchy number, the movie plot, about a family praying for a non-violent man to become violent, manages to make an impression.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan garners mixed reactions from netizens and it can be easily termed as a ‘ lazy typical Salman Khan movie,’ in the sense that it relies heavily on his real-life persona and poses no challenge to him or his fame. However, there is no doubt that it is an entertaining movie and definitely worth a watch, especially for hardcore Salman Khan fans.
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