Kya Sainsbury-Carter, an esteemed seventeen-year veteran of Microsoft was recently named to head the company’s highly lucrative ad business in March. In order to transform the way business is done, Sainsbury-Carter will be leading the way with Microsoft’s implementation of artificial intelligence chat – ChatGPT. Microsoft has integrated this chatbot into its Bing search engine and is already testing paid advertising links in chat results. This chatbot is provided by OpenAI, a startup that Microsoft has a substantial stake in.
Microsoft is a well-known global technology leader, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Today, Microsoft continues to shape the world through its intelligent technology, software, and services around the world. Microsoft covers a wide selection of products and services such as Xbox, Office, Windows, Azure, and more.
Kya Sainsbury-Carter has been a part of the Microsoft family for seventeen years. She worked in various roles from marketing director to corporate vice president. She is highly experienced in marketing technologies, operations and product strategies. After her stellar success within the institutional framework, she was recently chosen to spearhead the company’s ad business. She took up this role on March and is now working closely with OpenAI in order to integrate their chatbot into Microsoft’s search engine and leveraging paid ads through chat results.
ChatGPT has already caught the attention of users in the tech industry. As AI technology is increasingly used in everyday applications and functions, this chatbot is no exception. ChatGPT is world’s first open-source ‘language modeling’ AI that is capable of generating reasonable and diverse responses to natural language questions. With the help of Sainsbury-Carter, Microsoft is looking to make use of this AI to pave a new way for their digital advertising business.