Meta, the social media giant led by Mark Zuckerberg, has unveiled its own AI assistant called Meta AI. During the Connect launch event, Meta revealed that the AI assistant has been trained using publicly available data from Facebook and Instagram. This means that the AI has been trained using posts, photos, and videos that users have shared publicly, while excluding private chats and content shared only with close friends.
According to Meta’s President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, the company took steps to filter out private details and exclude datasets that contain a heavy amount of personal information. For example, LinkedIn was not used as it contains private content of users. Clegg emphasized that the vast majority of the data used for training Meta AI was publicly available.
Meta AI is designed to be interacted with like a person and will be available on platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, as well as on the upcoming Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and Quest 3. The AI assistant can generate images, thanks to Meta’s partnership with Microsoft Bing.
In addition to Meta AI, Meta has introduced 28 other AI chatbots with their own distinct personalities and backstories. The company has partnered with cultural icons and influencers to bring these chatbots to life, and they will even have profiles on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
The launch of Meta AI comes after the success of AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing. These AI assistants have wowed the world with their human-like abilities to answer questions and perform creative tasks like writing music and composing poetry.
Meta’s entry into the AI assistant race is expected to further intensify the competition in the field. As AI continues to advance, it is likely to play an increasingly significant role in our daily lives, making tasks easier and more convenient.
With Meta AI’s training based on publicly available data, it remains to be seen how the AI assistant will handle privacy concerns. Meta’s commitment to filtering out private details and excluding personal information is a step in the right direction. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for companies to strike a balance between innovation and protecting users’ privacy.
Overall, Meta’s launch of its AI assistant and the introduction of multiple AI chatbots with distinct personalities showcase the company’s commitment to advancing AI technology. As these AI assistants become more prevalent, they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and perform daily tasks.