An intriguing story has recently been making the rounds: a man from Thailand claimed to have used artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT to win the lottery. Ambitiously using the AI chatbot’s suggestion and his own calculated strategies, Patthawikorn Boonrin won a small amount of money — around 59 US dollars — and soon became the center of media attention. This sparks deep conversation about whether ChatGPT can accurately predict Lottery numbers and the potential world-changing applications of AI.
ChatGPT, a company founded in 2019, uses Artificial Intelligence to answer questions and offer advice. Their AI-driven technology focuses on natural language processing and the goal is to help individuals make the right decisions. The company is based in San Francisco and it is rapidly becoming a household name.
Patthawikorn Boonrin is the ambitious man behind this seemingly impossible story. He decided to put a few hypothetical questions and some winning lotto numbers from prior years into the system and received four winning numbers from the AI chatbot that changed his life — 57, 27, 29, 99. Amazed by the accuracy of the result, he decided to buy a lottery ticket with those numbers, and he ended up winning!
Overwhelmed with the luck of his situation, he immediately took to TikTok to share the story and left millions of people around the world in shock. The possibility of an AI-based chatbot being able to accurately predict lottery numbers extremely accurately leaves us with much to consider. Could it be possible for AI chatbot technology to eventually be used to make deeper and more profound predictions?
The original reference from Interesting Engineering makes the case that the answer is no. While the questions and lotto numbers Patthawikorn entered into the system were accurate, ChatGPT used a random number generator and it is simply very likely that eventually, one of its predictions came true. The company also provides a warning against gambling addiction and emphasizes the role of luck in winning the lottery.
Considering all the pieces of this puzzle, it seems the feat of ChatGPT was just a matter of luck. Although the conversation between Boonrin and the AI chatbot provides us with a fascinating look at the potential of AI technology, it doesn’t look like AI will take over predicting lottery numbers anytime soon. ChatGPT has proved its worth in more than just the lottery; however, if its capabilities increase significantly, it could prove to be a disruption of world-altering proportions.