The University of Sussex has published a PhD thesis titled Meirin in Meyrin. The thesis focuses on machine learning in the tt¯Z 2f channel and preparing ATLAS data for education worldwide. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN provided proton-proton collisions that were recorded by the ATLAS experiment. The thesis analyzes the 2-Lepton-Opposite-Sign channel of the tt¯Z process and uses multivariate analyses to select events within the Run 2 LHC data. The purpose of developing multivariate analyses with ATLAS Open Data was to create, test and demonstrate educational uses of particle-physics data.
The thesis was written by Meirin Oan Evans, a student at the University of Sussex. She spent significant time studying the ATLAS experiment and the interactions between top quarks and Z bosons. This included the development of multivariate analyses for the tt¯Z process that included variables regarding leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in the final state. Additionally, Evans worked to extract additional variables for multivariate analyses by reconstructing Z bosons in selected tt¯Z 2-Lepton-Opposite-Sign events.
The University of Sussex is a public research university located in Falmer, England. It was founded in 1961 and has a student population of approximately 19,000. The university offers a wide range of courses and has a strong reputation in fields such as medicine, chemistry, and physics. The University of Sussex is also home to a number of research centers, including the Sussex Neuroscience and the Genome Damage and Stability Centre.