LG Electronics has entered the race for on-device artificial intelligence (AI) technology by partnering with local AI firm Upstage. The collaboration aims to develop an on-device AI language model for LG’s laptop brand, LG Gram, utilizing Upstage’s small language model (SLM) technology. On-device AI enables AI functions to be performed within a device without the need for an internet connection, offering faster operation speeds and lower power consumption compared to cloud-based AI services. Additionally, on-device AI provides enhanced security as private data remains within the device and allows for uninterrupted usage even without a stable internet connection. This technology has garnered attention within the industry, with Samsung Electronics already unveiling a smartphone equipped with on-device AI, and Apple rumored to include it in their upcoming iPhone series. LG and Upstage plan to develop AI functions and additional services for LG Gram that will provide a personalized and customized experience for users. Upstage’s expertise in developing on-device AI for PCs and appliances will be instrumental in this partnership. With Upstage’s Solar ranking highly in global AI platform Hugging Face’s evaluation, both companies are optimistic about delivering faster, more convenient, and safer AI services to customers. LG Gram, as a leading ultralight premium laptop, aims to target the next generation of AI notebooks based on advanced technology. By adhering to SEO best practices, this news article presents an overview of LG Electronics’ collaboration with Upstage to develop on-device AI technology for their laptop brand, LG Gram. The article highlights the benefits of on-device AI and mentions other companies’ endeavors in the field. It maintains a conversational tone while rephrasing the original news source’s content.
LG Electronics and Upstage Partner to Develop On-Device AI for LG Gram Laptops
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