Influencers on Instagram are earning significant amounts of money by strategically using body exposure in their posts, according to a recent study. The research, which analyzed hundreds of top influencers and their Instagram content, revealed a clear link between the level of body exposure and the income generated. The study found that influencers who show more skin in their posts tend to earn more money.
Instagram influencers have increasingly realized that provocative and revealing content attracts attention and drives sales of the products they promote. While Instagram prohibits explicit content, celebrities often push the boundaries by posting racy photos. This strategy has proven successful in gaining millions of followers and securing lucrative advertising deals.
An influencer is someone who has the ability to influence potential buyers by promoting or recommending products or services on social media platforms. Companies pay influencers based on the size of their audience, with some influencers earning up to thousands of dollars per post. The study suggests that the average payment for an influencer is around £14,500 ($17,993) per post.
The study, conducted by Professor Sonia Gaenssle at Erasmus University Rotterdam, focused on 500 top Instagram stars in various categories including fashion and beauty, fitness and sport, music, photography, and food. Professor Gaenssle analyzed the most recent 12 posts from each account, paying attention to the degree of nudity and popularity metrics such as likes, comments, and followers.
The findings revealed that accounts with a higher degree of body exposure achieved higher levels of income across all genres except for music. The positive impact of body exposure on monetary success was especially prominent in fitness and fashion influencers. However, Professor Gaenssle also noted the presence of a gender pay gap on Instagram, with male influencers earning higher prices for promoting products compared to their female counterparts.
The study raises questions about the objectification of influencers, body image, and societal perceptions of beauty. It highlights the demand for sexualized content on Instagram but also emphasizes the potential for gender inequality within the social media industry.
In conclusion, the study demonstrates the connection between body exposure and income for Instagram influencers. It underscores the significant financial rewards associated with provocative content and sheds light on the gender disparities within the industry. As influencers strategically leverage their bodies to gain attention and drive sales, the study prompts a broader discussion about societal norms, beauty standards, and the ethics of influencer marketing.
Disclaimer: This article is based on the study conducted by Professor Sonia Gaenssle at Erasmus University Rotterdam and does not reflect the views or opinions of the publication.