A new report from the think tank EDSK has found that coursework-style assessments are likely to produce “less accurate and trustworthy” grades than traditional exams following the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, like ChatGPT. Written exams are highly recommended by the report as the main method for assessing student’s knowledge and understanding. To achieve this, the report put forward a package of reforms for A-level students to assist in their development.
ChatGPT, a form of AI, can understand the context of follow-up queries, compose essays and respond to questions in a human-like manner. This has raised fears of students using ChatGPT to complete their coursework and assignments. The report concluded that it is vital to maintain the integrity of formal assessments and that increasing coursework or similar assessments is unwise as there is no feasible way of preventing malpractice.
The think tank suggested students to take a Year 12 additional subject exam with an oral assessment, to develop a range of potent skills alongside their A-level studies. It is also proposed that a compulsory Extended Projects Qualification (EPQ) should be included to help students to practice their research and extensive writing skills.
In regard to this, Ofqual’s Chief Regulator Jo Saxton stated that traditional exam conditions have become evermore important since the emergence of AI. Likewise, Geoff Barton from the Association of School and College Leaders added that it is possible to evaluate skills such as analysis and critical thinking with other methods, other than written exams.
The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed that exams still remain as the best and fairest form of assessment. And in case of non-exam assessments, exam boards have strict rules in place to identify a student’s work. The department has also promised their full support in the run up to exams this summer.
EDSK is an education think tank and is led by the former ministerial adviser at the Department for Education, Tom Richmond. It focusses on the research and practical policies in educational development and ensures the fair and effective running of examinations and qualifications. It aims to explore the best method for assessing student’s knowledge and understanding and to help the students in their development.