Hollywood Studios Turn to AI Specialists Amid Writer and Actor Strike
The ongoing strike by writers and actors in Hollywood has left studios grappling with uncertainty about the future of the TV and movie industry. In response, these studios are increasingly advertising jobs for Artificial Intelligence (AI) specialists, signaling a potential shift in the entertainment landscape.
One of the primary concerns of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) is the existential threat posed by AI to their careers. The use of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, by studios to write or rewrite scripts has raised fears among writers that their jobs will be replaced by technology.
To address these concerns, major players in the industry like Disney and Netflix have recently announced their plans to hire AI professionals. Disney, for instance, has numerous open positions, including roles within its Imagineering team that focuses on AI. One such position seeks an Imagineer with a deep understanding of the capabilities of AI tools and the ability to differentiate AI-generated content from the work of designers, writers, and artists. The salary for this role can reach up to $180,000 per year, potentially augmented by bonuses or additional compensation.
Disney also offers positions within its Streaming Advanced Research division, where AI-enabled solutions are being developed for platforms like Disney+, Star+, and ESPN+. These solutions aim at enhancing personalization efforts and involve working with digital avatars.
Netflix, another industry giant, is reportedly willing to pay up to $900,000 per year for an AI product manager. Similarly, Sony has advertised a role for an AI Ethics engineer with a salary of $160,000.
The job postings by these companies emphasize the intent to explore and develop AI techniques that empower creativity and imagination, working alongside human creators to benefit society.
While studios are increasingly turning to AI as a potential solution, it is essential to note that the strike has sparked fierce opposition from industry professionals. Recently, Bryan Cranston, acclaimed star of Breaking Bad, delivered a passionate speech expressing the actor’s resolve not to let their jobs be taken away and replaced by robots.
Despite differing perspectives, it is clear that the Hollywood industry is at a crossroads, seeking solutions to address the concerns associated with AI’s potential impact on jobs. The increased demand for AI talent highlights the studios’ recognition of the technology’s potential to reshape the entertainment landscape.
As the strike continues, it remains to be seen how the negotiations between the industry unions and studios will proceed. The outcome will undoubtedly shape the future of Hollywood and determine how AI will be integrated into creative processes while preserving the vital roles of actors and writers.
In the midst of this debate, Hollywood studios are actively seeking AI specialists for their unique skill sets, hoping to strike a delicate balance that harnesses the benefits of AI while safeguarding the creativity and employment of human artists.