Google has launched a new artificial intelligence model called Gemini, which it claims surpasses its predecessor, ChatGPT, in various tests. Gemini, touted as the first model announced since the AI safety summit, demonstrates advanced reasoning across multiple formats and possesses the ability to review and mark a student’s physics homework. Google is reportedly in talks with the newly formed UK AI Safety Institute to conduct tests on Gemini’s most powerful version, scheduled for release next year. The Gemini model is being released in three versions, with the Ultra model outperforming human experts across a range of subjects. However, hallucinations, or false answers, remain a challenge for the model. Google plans to integrate Gemini into its products, initially upgrading its chatbot, Bard. Regulatory clearance is being sought before the Bard upgrade is released in the UK and Europe. While concerns over AI persist, Gemini represents a significant step towards artificial general intelligence (AGI), although there are still aspects that require further research and innovation. Data used to train Gemini was collected from various sources, including the open web.
Google Unveils Advanced AI Model Gemini, Outperforming ChatGPT in Most Tests
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