Google has taken significant steps in safeguarding its platform from malicious online advertising, blocking a record 5.5 billion bad ads last year. This notable increase in blocked ads and suspended advertiser accounts signals a growing trend of fraudulent activities in the digital advertising realm.
The tech giant’s ad safety report highlights the doubling of blocked ads and advertiser account suspensions, underscoring the need for increased vigilance globally. With an average of 15 million ads blocked daily and approximately 627,000 bad ads per hour, it is evident that advertisers are resorting to deceptive practices at an alarming rate.
Google attributes this heightened enforcement to the implementation of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) models to monitor ads. While this has led to improved vigilance, it has also resulted in a surge of inappropriate ads slipping through the cracks last year.
Of the blocked ads, 1.04 billion were removed due to ad network abuse containing malicious content that could potentially compromise users’ security. This rise in cybercrime activities underscores the need for stringent measures to combat online threats.
Moreover, Google also cracked down on ads containing trademarked or copyrighted content without proper authorization, resulting in the removal of 548 million ads. This proactive stance against intellectual property infringement is essential in maintaining a fair and lawful digital advertising ecosystem.
In addition to blocked ads, Google restricted about 6.9 billion ads last year, primarily those containing culturally or legally sensitive content. By allowing these ads to run on a limited basis, Google aims to strike a balance between regulatory compliance and freedom of expression.
Overall, Google’s robust enforcement efforts underscore the evolving landscape of digital advertising and the importance of safeguarding users from deceptive and harmful content. As AI technology continues to shape the industry, Google remains dedicated to enhancing its ad monitoring capabilities to ensure a safe and secure online environment for all users.