Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is generating uncertainty and a lack of training among global digital trust professionals, according to a new poll conducted by ISACA. The survey revealed that many organizations do not have policies in place for the use of generative AI, yet employees are still utilizing the technology. Only 28% of organizations permit the use of generative AI, while 10% have a comprehensive policy in place. More than a quarter of respondents said there is no policy and no plan for one. Despite this, over 40% said that employees are using generative AI regardless, and an additional 35% were unsure. The poll also found that only 6% of organizations provide training to all staff on AI, with 54% providing no AI training whatsoever. Only 25% of respondents indicated a high degree of familiarity with generative AI. The poll also explored concerns around the ethical implementation and potential risks of AI. Forty-one percent of respondents said that not enough attention is being paid to ethical standards in AI implementation, and 57% were worried about AI being exploited by bad actors. Additionally, 69% said that adversaries are using AI as successfully or more successfully than digital trust professionals. Respondents believed that roles such as security, IT operations, and risk and compliance were responsible for the safe deployment of AI. Looking ahead, 19% of organizations plan to open job roles related to AI in the next 12 months. While 45% believed that AI would lead to a significant number of job eliminations, 70% of digital trust professionals remained optimistic about their own roles, saying that it will have a positive impact. To realize this positive impact, 80% believed they would need additional training. Despite the uncertainties and risks surrounding AI, 80% of respondents believed that AI will have a positive or neutral impact on their industry, organization, and career. Additionally, 85% said that AI is a tool that extends human productivity, and 62% believed it would have a positive or neutral impact on society as a whole.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to the Above News
What is generative artificial intelligence (AI)?
Generative AI refers to a type of AI technology that is capable of producing new and original content, such as artwork, music, or text, based on patterns and knowledge learned from existing data.
What does the poll by ISACA reveal about the use of generative AI in organizations?
The poll indicates that many organizations do not have established policies for generative AI, yet employees continue to use the technology. Only 28% of organizations permit its use, while 10% have comprehensive policies. About 40% of respondents observed employees using generative AI, while 35% were unsure.
How many organizations provide training on AI to their staff, according to the poll?
The poll reveals that only 6% of organizations provide AI training to all staff, while 54% provide no AI training at all.
What percentage of digital trust professionals are familiar with generative AI?
Only 25% of the respondents indicated a high degree of familiarity with generative AI.
What are the concerns raised in the poll about the ethical implementation and risks of AI?
The poll highlights concerns that not enough attention is being paid to ethical standards in AI implementation, as cited by 41% of respondents. Furthermore, 57% of respondents expressed worries about AI being exploited by malicious individuals. Additionally, 69% of respondents believed that adversaries are using AI as effectively or more effectively than digital trust professionals.
Which roles within organizations are generally responsible for the safe deployment of AI?
Roles such as security, IT operations, and risk and compliance are commonly seen as responsible for ensuring the safe deployment of AI within organizations.
How many organizations plan to create job roles related to AI in the next 12 months?
According to the poll, 19% of organizations have plans to open job roles related to AI within the next 12 months.
Do digital trust professionals believe that AI will lead to job eliminations?
Yes, 45% of the respondents believed that AI would result in a significant number of job eliminations.
How do digital trust professionals perceive the impact of AI on their roles and careers?
Despite concerns, 70% of digital trust professionals remain optimistic about the impact of AI on their own roles and believe it will be positive. However, 80% of respondents also believe that additional training will be necessary to realize this positive impact.
What percentage of respondents believe that AI will have a positive or neutral impact on their industry, organization, and career?
80% of the respondents believe that AI will have a positive or neutral impact on their industry, organization, and career.
How do respondents view AI's impact on society as a whole?
About 62% of the respondents believe that AI will have a positive or neutral impact on society as a whole.
Please note that the FAQs provided on this page are based on the news article published. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is always recommended to consult relevant authorities or professionals before making any decisions or taking action based on the FAQs or the news article.