Former Reddit CEO Recommends Laid-off Tech Workers Invest in AI – Little Technical Skill Needed for AI Apps


Yishan Wong, the former CEO of Reddit, has provided essential advice for anxiety-stricken tech employees about to experience job-losses due to the excessive use of Artificial Intelligence. He stated to Fortune magazine in an interviewed published on Tuesday, that those in the tech industry should learn how to cope with AI and acquire useful knowledge on how to utilize the technology before further loss of jobs occur. In the same article, Wong shared how he pursued roles from Paypal to Facebook and how he interacted with the masses at Reddit, and how he was able to succeed with his current endeavor, Terraformation.

Wong mentioned to Fortune that even for non-tech people, AI can still be a viable platform to create valuable and astonishing apps without having advanced technical knowledge. Additionally, Wong suggested people should master in whatever role they are presently in and build a basis of skills to become well-equipped to tackle the next encounter. He further stated that those who have strong proficiency and talent in their profession are more approachable to unexpected opportunities.

Due to the consistent progress taking place within the AI industry, there are many tech firms implementing geniuses in Artificial Intelligence and investing their resources in AI models like GPT-4. This particular AI model is already comprehensive enough to write, design art and program coding. As per Goldman Sachs records in March 2020, AI models like GPT-4 could potentially influence up to 300 million work places.

Terraformation, the company Wong is a CEO of, hopes to reclaim abandoned, degraded and degraded land and ecosystems to create a safer and more sustainable environment. The firm combines technology, nature and data to invest in projects that reduce emissions and develop nature-based solutions.

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We all need to take Wong’s advice seriously if we don’t want to be left behind in the AI game. Learning and mastering the basics of AI and become proficient in whatever role we may have, can provide an immense amount of leverage in acceptance to unseen prospects and opportunities. We may be able to keep our jobs if we start studying up on AI and utilize all the skills we have acquired.

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