Former President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated Kerala’s first AI school, bringing a revolutionary change to the education system in the state. The AI School, located at Santhigiri Vidyabhavan in Thiruvananthapuram, has been designed and developed in collaboration with iLearning Engines (ILE) USA and Vedhik eSchool.
The AI School aims to provide students with a high-quality learning experience by incorporating artificial intelligence technology. It ensures that students have access to international standards and quality education. One of the unique features of the AI School is that students can continue their learning even after school hours through the school’s website.
The content and pedagogy of the AI School align with the National School Accreditation Standards based on the New National Education Policy (NEP 2020). This enables schools to achieve higher grades and ensures that students receive a comprehensive and standardized education.
Initially, the AI School will cater to students in classes 8 to 12. It offers various benefits such as Multi-Teacher Revision Support, Multilevel Assessment, Aptitude Tests, Psychometric Counseling, Career Mapping, Ability Enhancement, Memory Techniques, Communication-Writing Skills, Interview-Group Discussion Skills, Mathematical Skills, Behavioral Etiquette, English Language Proficiency, and Development of Emotional-Mental Abilities Training.
Moreover, the AI School provides intensive training for competitive exams for higher services. It offers coaching for entrance exams like JEE, NEET, MAT, CUET, CLAT, G-MAT, GRE, as well as language tests such as IELTS. The school also offers guidance for higher studies and scholarships at top foreign universities.
One of the notable aspects of the AI School is its affordable fees, ensuring that students and parents can access quality educational services without incurring a significant financial burden. The digital content available on the school’s website uses artificial intelligence to enhance the learning experience.
The AI School’s curriculum addresses the numerous challenges faced by students and parents regarding studies, exams, and competitive exams. It provides students with a comprehensive solution and prepares even average students for success.
With the AI School, parents can effectively assess their children’s academic performance, further supporting their educational journey. The school aims to provide a seamless and effortless learning experience while supporting the efforts of teachers.
The inauguration of Kerala’s first AI school marks a significant step towards revolutionizing education in the state. It not only embraces advanced technology but also offers a comprehensive and standardized approach to learning. The AI School will undoubtedly empower students and equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly digital world.