AI is making waves across industries, and companies that are quick to embrace it are miles ahead of the competition. That’s why the Transform 2023 Leadership Summit is offering executives the opportunity to explore the cutting edge of AI. The summit will provide private, off-the-record discussions on how AI is disrupting the technology landscape globally, how leaders can position their companies for success, and how to overcome challenges. The five concurrent round table discussions will offer participants a chance to share knowledge and insights with their peers in intimate, meaningful exchanges. Facilitators will lead each breakout session, and the Chatham House Rule will apply to encourage open dialogue. The summit will delve into interesting topics such as AI development’s impact on the environment, cybersecurity, ethical guidelines, and cybersecurity.
Wells Fargo is a multinational financial institution based in the United States. The company has over 7,000 locations and generates revenues of over $85 billion.
The Transform 2023 Leadership Summit is led by AI expert and entrepreneur, Amir Husain. Husain is the founder and CEO of SparkCognition, a company that creates next-generation AI systems. He has received numerous awards for his work and is a regular speaker at esteemed technological conferences.