Gotham City: Year One #6 brings the acclaimed series to a close with a thrilling conclusion, and DC Comics has provided a preview for this highly anticipated issue. In this preview, Slam Bradley provides insight into how he manipulates the system of institutional racism to his benefit in the face of Gotham City’s decaying chaos. DC Comics is publishing the series with renowned writer Tom King at the helm, and Phil Hester and Eric Gapstur providing stunning artwork for the cover. While the original series received extensive acclaim and many awards, the previews for Gotham City: Year One #6 suggest it is shaping up to be an even more impressive conclusion.
DC Comics is one of the most popular and influential comic book publishers in the world, boasting a wide variety of celebrated titles. Founded in 1934, DC Comics has a rich history of producing iconic characters and creating beloved stories. Currently, DC is home to many of the most beloved superheroes in the world, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Justice League. Comics published by DC are known for their quality and craftsmanship, with the stellar work of creators like Tom King ensuring the publisher’s excellent track record in producing quality stories.
Slam Bradley is a character created by Jerry Siegel for the DC universe. First appearing in Detective Comics #1 in 1937, he has been protecting the streets of Gotham City from villains for years. His presence in this preview is evidence of the series’ commitment to maintaining the classic elements of the DC universe while still producing something new and interesting. As this is the conclusion of the series, it is only fitting that they include one of the superheroes who has been protecting Gotham for generations.