Europe’s Transition to Clean Technology: Achieving Sustainability and Economic Prosperity
Investing in major societal transitions and creating new earning power in Europe will take center stage during the opening of TU/e’s academic year on September 4th. Three prominent guests, including Diederik Samsom, chief of cabinet of departing euro commissioner Frans Timmermans and former PvdA party chairman; Marieke Blom, chief economist and global head of research at ING Group; and Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML, will gather to discuss Europe’s transition to clean technology.
Europe has undertaken several mega-transitions in recent years, with climate and energy being the primary challenges. These transitions present a complex process but also offer a unique opportunity for the Netherlands and Europe to develop new earning capacities. This development will strengthen their competitive positions, lead to additional high-quality jobs, and foster the creation of sustainable technologies and products.
The emphasis of the discussion will be on developing a balanced earning model that prioritizes a healthy environment and society. It is crucial to ensure that everyone is involved in these transitions, that they remain affordable, and that planned innovations come to fruition. Europe must also strive to maintain its innovative edge and avoid being surpassed by other regions of the world. The Brainport region will play a significant role in achieving these goals.
The Netherlands boasts one of the most competitive economies in Europe, with the Brainport region playing a crucial role, explains Robert-Jan Smits, TU/e Board Chairman. The country and region aim to be at the forefront of the clean technology transition. The challenge lies in achieving this goal in a cost-efficient manner, within a reasonable timeframe, and without compromising prosperity. The opening of the academic year in Eindhoven provides the perfect platform to discuss this important theme.
TU/e contributes to the future earning power of the Netherlands and Europe through research into key technologies like quantum, photonics, semiconductors, sustainable materials, AI, and energy storage and conversion. The university also plays a significant role in educating talent for the high-tech industries in the Brainport region and beyond. Smits emphasizes the importance of producing more engineers to address the current shortage of technical personnel, which hampers efforts to make the economy more sustainable.
During the discussion, Diederik Samsom emphasizes the need to keep society and the economy running in a clean manner while ensuring an equitable distribution of the transition costs. The motto Leave no one behind is crucial for the success of these transitions. Marieke Blom acknowledges that the economy and consumption must change, but highlights the importance of uniting winners and demonstrating that these changes are feasible. Peter Wennink highlights the energy transition as a crucial factor for growth in the chip industry, with Europe and the Brainport region well-positioned to play a leading role globally by leveraging their knowledge and expertise.
In addition to the discussion, TU/e-students will present the Chair of the Future during the opening of the academic year. This initiative aims to prioritize sustainability in decision-making processes at the university. By physically representing the chair at the conference table, decision-makers are consistently reminded of the crucial importance of sustainability.
Europe’s transition to clean technology holds tremendous potential for achieving sustainability and economic prosperity. It requires collaboration between industry, governments, and academia to drive innovation and investment, while ensuring an equitable transition. The Brainport region’s expertise and capabilities position it as a critical player in Europe’s clean technology transition. With ongoing efforts in research and education, TU/e plays a pivotal role in shaping the future earning power of the Netherlands and Europe, creating a sustainable and prosperous future for all.