Elon Musk has revealed his plans for a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) start-up that will create an AI-powered tool to rival ChatGPT. In an interview with Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, Musk announced his intentions to create “TruthGPT”, an AI designed to seek out the truth of the universe. He believes this truth-seeking venture may help humanity by allowing AI to better appreciate its place in the universe, thus avoiding catastrophic scenarios.
Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with Sam Altman, but left the board of directors in 2018. Since then, he has raised concerns about the direction OpenAI has taken, particularly with its advancement of ChatGPT and its recently reported 100 million users in two months.
Subsequently, Musk was one of more than 1,000 people who signed a letter calling for a pause on advanced AI development. This suggests that Musk views his endeavour of creating “TruthGPT” as both a response to OpenAI and a means of ensuring AI safety.
The issue of AI safety is something Musk himself has warned about,”however small,” of “civilization destruction.” OpenAI includes among its investor base tech giants Microsoft and Amazon, as well as other venture capital firms. Its research and development centers on developing advanced AI technologies for commercial use.
TruthGPT is likely to be in direct competition with OpenAI and sets a potential showdown between the two opposing AI philosophies. It will be interesting to see how the two rival AI projects progress in their respective fields and whether TruthGPT will be able to compete with OpenAI’s formidable brand recognition.