Businesses have become more reliant on OpenAI’s ChatGPT for certain processes, leading to time and cost efficiency. CEO Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra of Omni Business Intelligence Solutions saw this potential and wanted to find out if the conversational AI chatbot could generate revenue for her own business. To find out, she integrated ChatGPT into her operations starting in December 2020, and saw immediate positive results.
By using ChatGPT, DeStefano-Tangorra was able to save time by automating certain processes like marketing and creating proposals, freeing up her capacity to pitch more new clients. This investment ended up drastically increasing revenue and quadrupling her profits over the span of a few months.
She also used ChatGPT to help customers by conducting market research and creating personalized business proposals. By using ChatGPT, DeStefano-Tangorra was able to reduce the necessary advertising spend and help her customers maximize the return of investment.
Despite the chatbot’s incredible potential, DeStefano-Tangorra warns that it does not always come with perfect results. Utilizing creativity and tweaking prompt parameters through specific wording and concise language can help produce desirable outputs, she suggests.
At the end of the day, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is transforming the way businesses operate, and is an incredible tool for executives like DeStefano-Tangorra who want to find new ways to make money. As an example, her company offers educational services to customers who are interested in deploying the chatbot to boost their own bottom-line. Omni Business Intelligence Solutions is a perfect example of how ChatGPT can be a major key to success.