If you are looking for a compassionate response from a doctor, the latest research shows that the chatbot ChatGPT may be your best bet. A study published by the JAMA Internal Medicine journal showed that in nearly 79% of the evaluations, ChatGPT provided answers for patient health-related questions with higher levels of empathy and quality than a doctor can.
The research process was quite thorough. It involved 195 questions posted on Reddit’s ‘r/AskDocs’ thread, answered by verified physicians. Then the same questions were given to ChatGPT, and were graded on both empathy and quality by a team of health professionals. Compared to the physician’s responses, the chatbot’s responses were found to be significantly higher in quality and empathy.
The study’s results suggest that ChatGPT offers tremendous potential in assisting doctors in doctor-patient communication, helping healthcare professionals save time while offering more thoughtful and personalized responses to inquirers. This way, physicians and patients are both supported, leaving fewer worries and more peace of mind.
ChatGPT provides an innovative solution to doctor-patient communication, thanks to its AI algorithm that can provide high-quality personalized responses based on prior questions. If a doctor-patient relationship involves a lot of trust, ChatGPT could be a key part of establishing that bond. And with its ever-expanding knowledge base, this chatbot will only become more efficient as time goes on.