AI, or artificial intelligence, is becoming increasingly mainstream and offers exciting applications associated with it, including writing essays, textbooks and now, even poetry. ChatGPT, a new AI tool with 175 billion parameters powering its functions, has garnered enormous interest and boasts an impressive user base. Nonetheless, it has yet to prove itself worthy of standing next to its human counterparts, and many have criticized it for unreliable, biased outcomes and lackluster creative abilities.
It seems that, despite a large and growing fanbase, AI still has a long way to go before it can grace the virtual boards of the customer-facing theatre. Philip M. Parker, INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science and founder of the INSEAD AI Lab called TotoGEO is one of the prominent figures aiming to change this. He is convinced that his team’s rule-oriented algorithms can provide superior AI capabilities when compared to deep learning ChatGPT.
These applications, including the newly-launched TotoPoetry, are specifically designed to generate written content and are accurately modeled after the natural creative processes of the human mind. They are programmed to provide far superior outputs in the form of poetry, and to actually inform users of its limitations should it be unable to provide a satisfactory result.
Therefore, it’s safe to say that TotoGEO and TotoPoetry have a very good chance of writing the best verses when compared to ChatGPT. In the future, INSEAD is looking to release more AI solutions, including a search engine, a newspaper generator, and a Wikipedia-like website. Their end goal is clear: to help make AI content creation more mainstream.