The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently released the admit cards for the Class 10 and 12 compartment examinations set to take place on July 15, 2024. Students who have registered for these exams can now access their CBSE compartment exam admit cards for 2024 on the official CBSE website,
Admit cards are crucial as they are mandatory for students to carry on the day of the examination. Without the hall ticket, candidates will not be allowed to sit for the compartment exams.
Here are the key details regarding the CBSE compartment exams for 2024:
– The exams for Class 10 will be held from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, with the exception of computer applications and information technology, scheduled for 10:30 a.m.
– On the same day, the Class 12 compartment exams will also take place from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. However, exams for specific subjects such as Hindustani music, painting, and dance will be held from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
To access the CBSE compartment exam admit card for 2024, students can follow these steps:
1. Visit the official CBSE website.
2. Click on the Pariksha Sangam link from the home page.
3. Follow the instructions on the new page, click on Schools, then the Exam Activities tab.
4. Look for the CBSE Compartment Admit Card 2024 link and click on it.
5. Enter your login details.
6. Your CBSE Compartment Exam Admit Card 2024 will be displayed on the screen.
7. Verify the details on the admit card and save it for future reference.
Both regular applicants and private candidates can obtain their admit cards from the board’s official website. Regular students will receive their hall tickets from their respective schools. It is essential to log in using the provided credentials to download the CBSE compartment exam admit card for 2024.
With the exams scheduled for July 15, students must make sure to access and review their admit cards before the examination day. Prepare well, and best of luck to all the students appearing for the CBSE compartment exams in 2024.