Roy Callender, 78, a bodybuilder and former Mr. Canada, is pushing the boundaries of bodybuilding with AI. He has co-founded RC3 – a revolutionary app that gives users access to personalized at-home workouts and guidance without physically being present. The app works by recording and analyzing the user’s workout and providing feedback on their posture and technique. With assistance from a personal trainer, users can view their performance in the app and look for personalized tips. RC3 is a free download with a $50 monthly subscription to use all of its features.
The app was inspired by the experience Callender had while learning from Arnold Schwarzenegger. “We trained together before I went to the states,” he said. “We trained together in London, that’s where I picked up all my desire. He had a different mindset.” The app eliminates the need for clients to call for help, as Callender can access the app and make notes to help improve their performance.
RC3 is co-founded by Carlos Benfeito, who said “We kind of found this blind spot. What happens when you’re not with your personal trainer?” The app is intended to bridge that gap and provide people the same personalized guidance and support as having a real personal trainer present. The ability for people to have access to an effective workout routine without having to leave the home greatly helps improve the lives of users.
RC3 is poised to revolutionize at-home fitness, and users can benefit from having access to expert guidance without having to leave the house. Roy Callender is a living example of how it is never too late to pick up a new challenge, and his idea to combine AI with bodybuilding is pushing the boundaries of fitness.