In today’s digital world, many companies employ application tracking systems (ATS) to automate their job application processes, improving their efficiency and their costs. Unfortunately, this also means that ATSs assess these applications using built-in criteria and can filter out applicants they deem unqualified. At least 70% of applicants, according to Jobscan, won’t even make it past this robot filter. However, there are strategies to help you beat the bots by utilizing the help of a human expert.
First up, you will need to understand and perfect the keywords game. You must include words or phrases throughout your submitted documents which are relevant to the job listing. If this is your first attempt, it is not always easy to decide which words to include. The best practice is to ensure that the keywords are natural and contextualized to the particular job.
A human can also help you when it comes to the resume design and making it easy to scan. There are many great resume templates available, but if you are unsure which one to choose then it is useful to ask an expert. They have far more experience creating resumes than you and will help you pick the best template.
Proofreading and finding your voice also require human help. Grammarly and its equivalents do an excellent job at finding spelling and grammar mistakes. They are also helpful when it comes to tone, but human eyes may still detect errors that the software may miss. Furthermore, having a human review your documents will help you make sure that you are delivering the right message for the job you are applying for.
Finally, you can ditch the online rate race and look for other ways to apply to a company. Sometimes job openings aren’t even posted online and looking for them can require hours of research. A resume expert is aware of the common hiring practices and can help you find the best way to get your resume into the system, even when there is not an immediately suitable job. They may also be connected to someone from within the company who can advocate for your application, giving you an insider advantage.
Working with a professional to go above and beyond the ATS criteria will certainly increase your chances of success. Human resume writers can help you understand and perfect the keywords, design the best resume and cover letter, and find other means of applying to a company. What’s more, networking is still alive and an invaluable tool, with many people knowing of open positions that are not listed online. In other words, there are still ways to open the door to new job opportunities even in 2023.