Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund ARK36 has announced the launch of a proprietary trading system, leveraged by machine learning algorithms, to manage their portfolios better. Their new technology will enable them to trade more accurately and navigate the cryptocurrency market with confidence. This software will access real time data and give investment options at a moment’s notice; complex investments would require a minute while simpler tasks could be done in a second. There are additional features such as price alerts, technical indicators and more, making it easier for traders to customise their strategies. Testing has proved that using this software can bring an average monthly growth of 10% over the course of a year. It has also proved useful in risk management and portfolio optimization, to make sure investors get steady returns.
The team behind this are Mikkel Morch, Chairman and Non-Executive Director at ARK36, and Dr. Mark Moore from Atlantic Alpha Strategies LLC. Morch was responsible for securing the funds for the software and making sure it uses all the available resources. Dr. Moore, a known figure in the industry, is at the core of the technical team and will coordinate the development with ARK36’s Board of Directors and the rest of the tech team.
ARK36 is a leading alternative investment digital asset fund based in Cyprus. They specialize in providing advanced solutions to both retail and institutional investors to help them navigate their way through this volatile digital asset markets. Through the development of their cutting-edge trading software, they have found a way to combine the traditional principles of investing with the modernity of technology.