Amazon India has recently announced the launch of the fourth iteration of its Machine Learning (ML) Summer School – AI Next, with the goal of influencing ML education going forward. This immersive program, designed to equip students with essential Machine Learning skills, will be conducted by Amazon scientists. Registration for the program is open from May 31, 2024, until June 21, 2024.
The Machine Learning Summer School aims to provide students with a comprehensive education in eight key ML modules over four weekends in July. These modules cover important topics such as Supervised Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Unsupervised Learning, and more. The program is free of charge and is open to engineering students enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD programs at accredited Indian institutions, set to graduate in 2025 or 2026.
According to Rajeev Rastogi, Vice President of International Machine Learning at Amazon, the demand for ML talent is rapidly increasing to solve customer problems. The Amazon ML Summer School aims to address this talent gap by preparing students for careers in the field through practical, industry-standard instruction.
The program differs from traditional offerings by combining theoretical concepts with real-world applications, catering to students of various ML backgrounds. Participants will gain proficiency in key machine learning technologies by the end of the program. Past attendees have highlighted the significant impact of the Machine Learning Summer School on their careers, with opportunities for internships and hands-on experience in ML research.
With a growing number of applicants each year, the Amazon Machine Learning Summer School has expanded to include more students and focus on practical, application-driven learning. By providing a platform for emerging talent to gain valuable skills and experience, the program aims to bridge the gap between demand and supply in the ML industry.