A German town has witnessed a groundbreaking event, a church sermon led by an artificial intelligence chatbot named ChatGPT. The chatbot, created by theologian and philosopher, Jonas Simmerlein, delivered around 98% of the sermon content. The service was part of the Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, a gathering of Protestants in Germany. The AI-led service was one among hundreds of events at the convention that attracts tens of thousands of attendees, with a focus on discussing climate change and social justice issues.
The sermon focused on leaving the past behind, overcoming fear of death, and maintaining trust in Jesus Christ. While some attendees enthusiastically recorded the event on their smartphones, others were more critical. The limitations of AI in religious settings also became evident, as the chatbot could not interact with the congregation as a human pastor would. Simmerlein believes that AI could be a valuable tool for sermon preparation, freeing up pastors for other important duties.
While the fusion of faith and technology has been met with varied reactions, the event marks a significant milestone towards exploring AI’s potential role in religious practices. However, it is important to recognize the irreplaceable value of human connection in religious practices. ChatGPT’s success emphasizes the significance of utilizing technological advancements to complement, rather than replace, religious leaders’ daily tasks.