In recent breakthrough advances in the field of artificial intelligence, scientists from University of Texas at Austin have successfully decoded the human brain activity into text using AI models similar to ChatGPT. Led by Computer Science doctoral student Jerry Tang and Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Computer Science Alex Huth, they were able to utilize a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine to record 16 hours of brain activity from three people listening to narration.
By employing a custom-trained GPT AI model, the team decoded neural information that corresponded to individual words. Unfortunately, the exact thoughts of the participants could not be completely captured, and the AI was only able to provide a gist of their imaginations and thoughts. The results of the study, which was published in the Nature Neuroscience journal, had an accuracy of up to 82%.
What is unique about this advancement is that no brain implants were employed, and this technology requires the voluntary cooperation of human subjects. While this tech has the potential to allow physically impaired people to express themselves, it poses potential risks of of potential misuse, such as governments or employers exploiting it for surveillance. This should be considered by scientists as they continue to develop brain-computer interfaces, and mental privacy should be respected at all times.
Divyanshi Sharma is the lead author of the breakthrough study and is a Computer Science doctoral student at the University of Texas. She has been researching the potential of AI in the past and is passionate about technology. She believes that AI should be used ethically and safely, and she hopes that with this breakthrough, people can now understand how AI can benefit mankind. Aside from AI, she is also a regular contributor for various computer science-related topics.
University of Texas has been making revolutionary contributions in the field of AI through the incredible minds present there. It has been labeled as the premier university for AI research and development, making advancements that are helping modern-day researchers take giant steps forward. The research collaborations present in the university facilitates development in the field, furthering its aims of driving technological advancements and pushing the boundaries of traditional research.