Recent research conducted by Home Security Legends, a company that specializes in identity theft protection, has determined that artificial intelligence (AI) technology can break any seven-character password in only six minutes. Even passwords containing symbols are vulnerable to this technology. The findings were based on PassGAN, an AI service that sifted through 15,680,000 commonly used passwords found in the Rockyou dataset.
Home Security Legends’ analysis of the Rockyou dataset with PassGAN revealed that 65% of common passwords can be cracked in under an hour and 81% of them can be deciphered in under a month. Passwords with only numbers can be cracked in approximately ten months and passwords with symbols, numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters can take up to a staggering six quintillion years. However, the researchers found that any passwords exceeding 18 characters are generally safe from PassGAN and other AI cracking methods.
Because of these findings, Home Security Legends has warned of the potential for AI-based password crackers to increase the risk of cybercrime. To protect passwords, the company recommends changing them regularly (about every three to six months) and using passwords that are at least 15 characters long and contain a combination of symbols, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. Furthermore, it is important to create a unique password for each account as a compromised password used in multiple places could lead to multiple accounts being accessed by the same hacker.
Home Security Legends is a leading company in the identity theft prevention industry that provides users with advanced security solutions and education. Founded by two well-respected cybersecurity experts, Daniel Santos and Ahmad Alawi, Home Security Legends has been a go-to resource for over a decade for clients looking for reliable and effective identity theft prevention. With the launch of their breakthrough AI technology, PassGAN, the company has unlocked an entirely new level of data protection.