Google has recently unveiled four new video-gaming experiments that have been created using artificial intelligence (AI). The games are part of Google’s Arts and Culture Lab team and are designed to rival existing titles such as Wordle and Microsoft’s Bing Chat.
The first is XYZ Toy, a puzzle game that you can open in a new tab. Here, you’ll see a message composed of letters crafted using AI. Your mission is to guess what these letters are made of; try eggplant, port, or even fossil fuel. You will have a hangman-like game where you can make several incorrect guesses and still get the answer.
If you’re a fan of art, try Odd One Out. Four real art pieces, as well as one AI-generated impostor, will be presented to you and you’ll have to correctly identify the AI piece among the selection. You have a time limit as well as four lives, one of which depletes every time you make a wrong guess.
Un-Dough is the third game, and in it you have to recognize AI-generated images of famous monuments and landmarks made with colored dough. First you will be given a very blurred image,, and as you correctly guess the letters in its name, the image will gradually start to show more resemblance to the landmark.
Finally, there’s Haiku Imagined. AI technology is used here to animate traditional and modern haiku poems. Music, video, and fonts are used to generate unique effects.
More than just fun and games, AI has a number of uses for people. From chatbot applications to text-to-speech recognition, AI can be used in your everyday life. From ChatGPT to Google Bard, there are a variety of AI-powered applications that can be useful in the long run. So try these new Google experiments out and see what AI can do for you.