Frank Fink Appointed as Director of Automotive Partnerships by Wayve


Wayve, the self-driving technology company focused on delivering mobility solutions with artificial intelligence, is proud to announce the appointment of Frank Fink as Director of Automotive Partnerships. Frank brings a wealth of experience in first-of-its-kind deals and has a strong understanding of AV partnerships having recently been with Waymo, managing the team responsible for developing the Zeekr robotaxi vehicle.

Alex Kendall, Wayve’s Co-founder & CEO, was excited to welcome Frank on board: “Frank is a proven business leader with the skills to lead Wayve during this pivotal time. The AV industry is entering a revolutionary period with the first commercial services set to begin and our AV2.0 approach to autonomous driving is perfectly suited for those deployments. With our first commercial trials already underway, Frank will play a key role in partnering with automotive OEMs in order to scale our AV2.0 technology.”

Frank himself is thrilled with the opportunity: “I’m very excited to be with Wayve, their AV2.0 solution presents a great opportunity to revolutionize autonomous mobility across multiple platforms. The team brings a world-class skillset and I’m looking forward to being part of this journey.”

Frank has held various senior positions at well-known companies such as Dropbox, Nokia, Samsung and Microsoft. He was previously a lawyer, specializing in litigation. Wayve was founded in 2017 to develop technology that would enable autonomous driving. The company has raised over $258M, with investors such as Eclipse Ventures, D1 Capital Partners, Baillie Gifford, Moore Strategic Ventures, Balderton Capital, Virgin, and Ocado Group. Wayve is based in London and California, and has been testing its vehicles in cities across the UK with the aim to be the first company able to deploy autonomous vehicles in 100 cities.

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The appointment of Frank Fink is a part of Wayve’s goal to enable autonomous mobility for everyone. His strong understanding of the AV sector, coupled with previous successful business deals, will help the company on its path to commercialize self-driving technology and bring the company’s mission to life.

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