Actor Ashton Kutcher, who is now a venture capitalist at Sound Ventures, has recently voiced his support for AI tools, claiming that companies not using such technology will end up out of business. Kutcher pointed to OpenAI’s ChatGPT as an example– something that has caught the attention of millions over the last few months. He believes AI will revolutionize the educational world, allowing for a personalized tutor for each individual, and that professional services such as law and medicine will eventually become personalized as well. To push this idea, Kutcher and Sound Ventures recently announced a $240 million AI fund to invest in companies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, and Stability AI.
One of those companies is OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab that has produced industry-changing technology. Their ChatGPT tool is one of their best pieces of work, allowing users to interact naturally with a machine learning model to increase their productivity. This technology has already had an immense impact within a two-month period, receiving over 100 million users.
The person mentioned in this article, Ashton Kutcher is a successful actor who has made a successful transition to venture capitalist. As a venture capitalist at Sound Ventures, he is heavily invested in AI technology, and has previously invested in companies such as Airbnb and Uber. Kutcher has repeatedly highlighted that he believes in AI’s power to increase accessibility in personal services and allow for higher learning potential. His fund is proof of his commitment to the technology, and will likely make great advancements for AI research in the near future.