“The Heavenly Idol” is a new Korean drama series that has taken the internet by storm. Adapted from the webtoon “Holy Idol,” it follows the story of Pontifex Rembrary, a high priest from another realm who is accidently cast into the body of Woo Yeon-woo, an aspiring K-pop idol. With Rembrary in the form of Yeon-woo, the viewer is taken down a wild and humorous journey as the high priest attempts to find his way home while living the life as an idol.
The drama stars Kim Min-kyu as both Rembrary and Yeon-woo, as well as Lee Jang-woo as the Evil One. It also features Ye Ji-won as LLL Entertainment’s CEO Im Sun-ja, the narrator of this rollercoaster of a narrative. Through the story of Wild Animal, the boyband the two protagonists are associated with, we get to explore the K-pop industry and how the high pressure of the industry can seem to outsiders. Meanwhile, the peculiar plot and visuals of the series make it an interesting watch, even though it might be a bit too cheesy for some viewers.
LLL Entertainment is a fictional company in the show, although they portray the struggles of a K-pop agency well. With the pressures of the industry, they manage to produce a hit group while having to deal with the various challenges that come with the success. As a result, the production staff should be commended for their effort in depicting the reality of managing an agency.
Kim Min-kyu has put in an impressive performance in playing both Rembrary and Yeon-woo, with the former being a professor of fate and the latter being a desperate K-pop artist. In his dual roles, Kim shows us the struggles of a K-pop idol and the challenges posed to him by his other identity. Furthermore, his chemistry with fellow castmates Lee Jang-woo, Ye Ji-won, and the other members of Wild Animal bring the show to life and is sure to captivate audiences with its mix of comedy, drama, and fantasy.
Overall, “The Heavenly Idol” is a fun, albeit cheesy, series that pokes into the issues of the K-pop industry, while providing entertainment in the form of its plot and visuals. With Kim Min-kyu in two roles and his relationship with the other characters, it is sure to have fans on the edge of their seats as they await each episode. As the series progresses, who knows what else is in store?