The 15-minute city concept is quickly taking off in North America and Europe, with the goal of making things like work, education, healthcare, shopping, and leisure activities, just 15 minutes away from where people live. The proponents of this concept aim to phase out the use of hydrocarbons such as cars with internal combustion engines with the general goal being to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released. The concept has been embraced with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic with numerous city councils and mayors seeking to redesign city spaces.
The 15-minute city concept has been heavily discussed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is an international organization that brings together governments, business, and civil society to discuss and develop solutions to global issues. Their main interest in the concept is to bring the people of the world together and create a cohesive society that works together. They are seeking to bring the population closer together and create a healthier, more efficient way of living.
However, the concept has been heavily opposed as many see it as a way to limit freedom and enforce control over the population. Critics of the 15-minute city have argued that it is a way of total surveillance and control of people’s lives, as governments will leverage the concept to pair it with ESG social credit systems and central bank digital currencies. Some have also noted that keeping people within a 15-minute radius of their homes by flattening transportation options such as public transport and cars not only limits people’s freedom to travel, but also makes it easier for artificial intelligence to monitor where people are at all times.
Doug Casey, an American investor, speculates that the concept is a form of social engineering that is expressed in the form of civil engineering. Casey states that the 15-minute city concept is paired with an idea to chip people so their bodies can be monitored, making it a step towards a more dystopian world.
Doug Casey also believe that the Global Elite are seeking to limit the plebs to be as mobile as they used to be and that the concept of 15-minute city serves as another pretext for all sorts of proposlas to limit and restrict our travels. He also states that the elite no longer need to meet just to socialise but have started planning for the plebs and it is clear that the WEF has taken the reigns over the Western world in their ambition to control the world.
Overall, the 15-minute city concept has been largely seen as a way to enhance control of the population and as a way to limit individual freedoms. The Global Elite undoubtedly have their own interests in this concept as they look to further assert their authority over the plebs of the world.
In terms of safeguarding one’s sovereignty and freedom to travel, Doug Casey emphasizes the importance of relocating to rural areas, becoming wealthy and financially secure, and resisting in any way possible. He notes that the atmosphere in the world today is like the early days of World War I or II and that we have to be mindful of the mind virus that is slowly but surely capturing many people.
Lastly, a note on the company and person mentioned in this article. The company mentioned is World Economic Forum (WEF), a non-profit foundation that works to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Doug Casey is a famous American investor, author, and anarcho-capitalist speaker. He is the author of four books and co-author of six others. He is also a prominent figure in the Austrian School of Economics and the libertarian movement.