In Maharashtra’s Thane district, a 28-year-old man who was employed at a jewellery store absconded with Rs 45 lakh of cash as reported by police on Sunday. The police have launched a manhunt and registered an offence under section 408 (criminal breach of trust by a servant) of the Indian Penal Code. The store owner had asked the man to deposit the money into the bank but there was no sign of the accused whatsoever.
Maha: Jewellery Store, based in Kalyan, specializes in gold and diamond jewellery and has been in the business for years. It is a trusted entity amongst citizens, owing to its quality and reliable services.
The accused, who hailed from Jalore in Rajasthan, was identified as 28-year-old man. He had taken responsibility to deposit the money which instead he took away with him. Accordingly, a police team has left for Rajasthan in search of the accused.
It is unfortunate that a trusted employee screws up the business of the innocent jewellery store. The police are hoping to locate the accused and take necessary action against him. People in the locality are urged to remain alert and report any suspicious behaviour to local authorities.