WhatsApp users can now enjoy a host of exciting new features, as the popular messaging platform introduces animated stickers by Giphy and works on chat theme customization. Here’s a breakdown of the latest updates:
– New Giphy Stickers: WhatsApp has partnered with Giphy to bring users a collection of searchable animated stickers. These stickers can be easily accessed through the sticker icon by using text or emoji to search for the perfect animated sticker to express yourself.
– Custom Sticker Maker: Previously exclusive to iOS users, the Custom Sticker Maker tool is now available on Android as well. This feature allows users to create, edit, and share their own stickers without the need for third-party apps, adding a personal touch to conversations.
– AI Stickers: WhatsApp has introduced AI Stickers, a feature that enables users to generate custom stickers using text prompts. While currently only available in the US, Android users can experiment with creating stickers in multiple languages, including Spanish and Bahasa Indonesian.
– Sticker Organization: With sticker organization, users can easily discover and organize new sticker packs by previewing them from the sticker tray. This feature simplifies the process of finding and using stickers to enhance conversations.
Additionally, WhatsApp is working on expanding its chat theme customization options beyond the existing light and dark themes. A recent update for WhatsApp for Android unveils a feature that allows users to change the colors of chat bubbles, providing more flexibility in personalizing the messaging experience.
These new features are expected to roll out to users worldwide in the near future, enhancing the overall WhatsApp user experience. Stay tuned for updates on when these exciting features will be available on your device.