Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has recently announced the launch of the Bharatiya Antariksh Hackathon in celebration of the first National Space Day on August 23. This initiative comes as a tribute to the successful landing of the Vikram Lander on the moon’s southern pole.
In line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s declaration, ISRO is gearing up to host the hackathon, which will focus on various challenges in geospatial domains, space science, image processing, and AI/ML. This event is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students from across India who are eager to showcase their innovative capabilities.
During the announcement, ISRO Chairman S Somanath revealed that teams of three to four participants will be tasked with addressing the designated challenges. The top 100 teams will be selected based on their innovative solutions, with the final 30 teams proceeding to the Grand Finale at NRSC, Hyderabad, scheduled for August 13 and 14.
The ultimate goal of the Bharatiya Antariksh Hackathon is to cultivate an application-driven ecosystem that promotes creativity in space-related applications for the betterment of society and the nation as a whole. Somanath emphasized that the winning ideas could potentially pave the way for successful business ventures, underscoring the significance of the planned outreach activities for the National Space Day celebration.
This hackathon presents a unique opportunity for young minds in India to contribute towards advancements in space technology and innovation, further solidifying the country’s position in the global space arena. With a strong emphasis on fostering creativity and problem-solving skills, the Bharatiya Antariksh Hackathon is set to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.