Rosario Dawson has joined the cast of the upcoming Netflix anime series titled Terminator Zero, alongside Timothy Olyphant. The series, set to premiere on Aug. 29, 2024, will feature Dawson voicing the character of Kokoro, an advanced artificial intelligence from Japan.
Dawson’s character, Kokoro, is described as Japan’s response to Skynet, possessing similar capabilities and powers as the notorious AI system. The series, created by Mattson Tomlin, is set in 2022 and 1997, depicting a post-apocalyptic future where humans are fighting against machines led by Skynet.
Terminator Zero will explore the story of Malcolm Lee, voiced by André Holland, a computer programmer haunted by visions of a dark future. Sonoya Mizuno will portray Eiko, a resistance fighter tasked with preventing Malcolm from activating Kokoro.
The voice cast also includes Ann Dowd as The Prophet, a guiding figure for the human resistance in the face of the impending war against the machines. The series promises to introduce new characters and marks the first animated iteration of the popular Terminator franchise.
Directed by Masashi Kudo and produced by Japanese animation studio Production IG, Terminator Zero is an eight-episode series that delves into the complexities of morality, creation, and the battle for survival. The show is helmed by showrunner and writer Mattson Tomlin, with executive producers from Skydance overseeing the project.
The series is a collaboration between Skydance Animation and Netflix, aiming to bring a fresh perspective to the well-known Terminator universe through the medium of animation. With a talented voice cast and a riveting storyline, Terminator Zero is poised to captivate audiences with its unique take on the battle between humans and machines.