Google Pays News Corp. $6 Million for AI Boost


Google has entered into a partnership with News Corp., the leading media conglomerate globally, with a focus on enhancing artificial intelligence (AI) development. The collaboration involves Google utilizing news content from various News Corp. publications, including Dow Jones, HarperCollins, The Times, and Australia’s Euro Broadcasting, to improve its AI models. In exchange, News Corp. will receive an annual payment of up to 6 million U.S. dollars from Google.

The competition within the AI sector has intensified, leading companies like Google to secure licensing agreements with news publishers to access digital content. OpenAI, for example, recently announced a partnership with The Financial Times, marking its fifth media licensing deal following agreements with The Associated Press, Axel Springer, Le Monde, and Prisa Media. These collaborations aim to provide real-time journalism to millions worldwide.

However, OpenAI is currently facing legal challenges from eight prominent U.S. newspapers, including the New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, and Orlando Sentinel, owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital. The newspapers allege copyright infringement by OpenAI and Microsoft for using their content without authorization.

The evolution of AI technology continues to shape the relationship between tech giants like Google and traditional media companies, with collaborations and legal disputes highlighting the complex intersection of technology and journalism.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to the Above News

What is the partnership between Google and News Corp. focused on?

The partnership between Google and News Corp. is focused on enhancing artificial intelligence (AI) development by utilizing news content from various News Corp. publications.

What publications are included in the News Corp. partnership with Google?

The partnership includes publications such as Dow Jones, HarperCollins, The Times, and Australia's Euro Broadcasting.

What does News Corp. receive in exchange for their content in the partnership with Google?

News Corp. will receive an annual payment of up to 6 million U.S. dollars from Google as part of the partnership.

Why are companies like Google securing licensing agreements with news publishers for AI development?

Companies like Google are securing licensing agreements with news publishers to access digital content in order to improve their AI models and stay competitive in the AI sector.

What legal challenges is OpenAI facing from U.S. newspapers?

OpenAI is facing legal challenges from eight U.S. newspapers, including the New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, and Orlando Sentinel, for alleged copyright infringement related to their use of news content without authorization.

How is the evolution of AI technology impacting the relationship between tech giants and traditional media companies?

The evolution of AI technology is shaping the relationship between tech giants like Google and traditional media companies through collaborations, partnerships, and legal disputes that highlight the complex intersection of technology and journalism.

Please note that the FAQs provided on this page are based on the news article published. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is always recommended to consult relevant authorities or professionals before making any decisions or taking action based on the FAQs or the news article.

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