Google is reportedly considering introducing fees for new artificial intelligence-powered search features as part of its premium subscription services. This move, revealed by the Financial Times, marks the first time Google may place core product features behind a paywall. The tech giant is evaluating options like adding AI search capabilities to its premium offerings, with engineers currently working on the technology. However, no firm decision has been made regarding the launch timeline or implementation strategy.
The potential shift indicates that Google is grappling with integrating rapidly advancing AI technology into its search services without endangering its critical advertising business. Since the emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which offers narrative-style responses to queries, Google has been under pressure to adapt its traditional search results format. The company has faced competition from new search startups advocating for paid subscriptions to access advanced AI search features or enhanced privacy protection.
Last year, Google began testing its AI-powered search service, blending personalized narratives with website links and ads. However, the incorporation of features from this experimental search generative experience into its primary search engine has been gradual. In February, Google introduced a new paid tier in its consumer subscription service, offering access to the advanced Gemini chatbot and generative AI model through Google One AI Premium.
Former Google employees have revealed that utilizing generative AI technology for search queries is cost-intensive. Benchmark tests for Google’s AI-powered search product were limited due to the high expenses involved. Following positive feedback on the experimental AI-powered experience, Google redirected resources to enhance these capabilities further. Despite the promising early results, the substantial costs likely influenced the decision to restrict wider rollout.
Experts suggest that introducing fees for select AI search features could enable Google to diversify its revenue streams without affecting its core search ad business significantly. Analysts predict a potential revenue boost for Alphabet Inc. akin to OpenAI’s successful subscription model. By exploring monetization opportunities, Google aims to capitalize on advanced AI technologies while maintaining the profitability of its core services.