Tea Board India recently revealed the winners of the 19th Golden Leaf Awards, also known as the Southern Tea Competition (TGLIA). The theme for this year’s event was TGLIA Teas for Markets, showcasing 124 entries from 38 factories across various tea-growing regions.
Arun Kumar, the convenor of the competition’s organizing committee, shared that a five-member jury conducted the initial tea tastings in Coonoor on March 30. The final tasting session will take place in an upcountry market, with an auction scheduled for April 22 for the teas participating in the competition.
In other news, Meena Swaminathan was elected as the chairperson of the Coimbatore chapter of the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) for the term 2024-2025. The Annual Meeting saw a smooth transition of projects and MoUs from the previous chairperson, Rama Rajasekaran, to the newly elected leadership team.
Additionally, a seminar on the future of Avocado cultivation was organized by the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore, in collaboration with IG Deccan – Exotics, Hyderabad, and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Bengaluru. The session explored the potential growth in the Avocado industry and featured expert speakers sharing insights and best practices.
Moreover, the CII Coimbatore, along with the Coimbatore Management Association, hosted a session on driving enterprise growth using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Amitabha Saha Roy from Tata Consultancy Services highlighted the significance of AI in powering business growth and the need for companies to assess their capabilities in this rapidly evolving landscape.
These events showcase the dynamic and innovative initiatives within the business and agricultural sectors, fostering growth and sustainability in the industry.