Title: Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Vladimir Putin Sparks Debate on Journalism’s Therapeutic Turn
In an unexpected turn of events, Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Russian leader Vladimir Putin has reignited discussions on the role of journalism and the significance of providing a platform for controversial figures. The lengthy two-hour session, eagerly anticipated by many, deviated from expectations and raised questions about the effectiveness of a more conversational approach to interviewing.
Tucker Carlson, positioned as a new breed of journalist challenging traditional media, claims to embody a fresh style of reporting—one that goes beyond asking tough, confrontational questions and instead focuses on active listening and creating a safe space for guests to freely express their views. This style, dubbed The Long Hear, has gained traction through platforms like podcasts, where hosts like Joe Rogan have set the precedent of fostering dialogue by engaging guests in lengthy, open conversations.
Steven Bartlett, host of the popular Diary Of A CEO podcast, follows a similar interviewing model. By employing empathetic inquiries and making personal disclosures, Bartlett establishes a connection with his guests, encouraging them to reveal deeper insights about themselves. Other hosts like Lex Fridman, Chris Williamson, and Jordan Peterson have also embraced longer formats, occasionally surpassing the three-hour mark, using this approach to unravel their guests’ perspectives.
This therapeutic style of interviewing can be likened to a form of psychoanalysis, inviting subjects to let down their guard and provide a comprehensive, unfiltered glimpse into their thoughts and experiences. Instead of focusing solely on the hard-hitting topics, the most captivating moments often arise during tangents and personal anecdotes that reveal the humanity behind the public figure.
Interestingly, the traditional media’s response to Carlson’s interview with Putin was muted, relegating it to a mere afterthought rather than a leading headline. The format and content of these interviews seem to be shifting away from what legacy media organizations are accustomed to, leading some of them to clumsily attempt to replicate this conversational approach without fully grasping its essence.
While it could be argued that experts like the BBC’s Russia editor, Steve Rosenberg, possess a wealth of knowledge and an incisive interview style that could have been better suited for the role, it becomes apparent that the Long Hear format was never the intention. The BBC’s brief coverage of the interview underscores their emphasis on discussing pressing matters such as potential war crimes—a necessary focus, but one that doesn’t align with this emerging style of journalism.
Ultimately, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin has provoked contemplation about the evolving landscape of journalism. The Long Hear has its benefits, fostering a deeper understanding of public figures by peeling back layers of their personas. However, it may also be seen as a departure from traditional journalism’s intent to challenge and hold power accountable, emphasizing instead the importance of empathy and connection.
As media organizations grapple with adapting to changing preferences, striking a balance between the old and the new becomes crucial. The allure of the Long Hear’s conversational approach cannot be dismissed, but it is vital to ensure that critical issues are not overshadowed or neglected. The future of journalism lies in finding a way to harness the best of both worlds, offering a diverse range of interview styles that cater to different perspectives and maintain the essential role of journalism in society.
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