Billionaire Elon Musk announced on Monday that he will be launching a revolutionary artificial intelligence platform called ‘TruthGPT’ which will rival with Microsoft and Google’s offerings on the AI front. Musk strongly criticised Microsoft-backed OpenAI for ‘training AI’s to lie’ and claimed that OpenAI had become a ‘closed source, for-profit organisation affiliated with Microsoft.’ He also voiced his opinion about Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, and that he wasn’t taking Artificial Intelligence seriously.
To restore trust between machines and humans, Musk proposed launching ‘TruthGPT’, a platform that seeks to understand the intricacies and subtleties of the universe. He believes that this could potentially be the most secure way to prevent the possible annihilation of humans.
Elon Musk has already started to poach AI specialists away from Google to start a business that can rival OpenAI. He recently founded a firm, X.AI Corp, in Nevada with a single director under his name and his family office’s managing director as a secretary.
With the increasing dependence on Artificial Intelligence, Musk, alongside a group of experts and industry heads, made a call to halt further development of AI systems that are more powerful than OpenAI’s newly launched GPT-4 for a period of six months citing potential risks for society. In his interview on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Musk has gone on record to admit that with the dangers of ‘civilizational destruction’ posed by AI, Washington needs to step in and regulate AI.
On the other hand, Microsoft Corporation plowed a multi-billion dollar investment into OpenAI to intensify the competition against Google while also contributing to the race of securing AI funds in the Valley. Elon Musk recently revealed that the purchase price of Twitter was ‘less than half’ of the acquisition cost and he is now the CEO of Twitter after he bought the social media platform for $44 billion last year.