OpenAI Launches Custom GPT Store, Allowing Users to Create Personalized Chatbots
OpenAI, the creator of the popular chatbot ChatGPT, is set to launch its custom GPT store this week, enabling users to develop their own personalized chatbots using their own data and systems. This app store for AI was initially scheduled for release in November but was delayed for a systems review.
The concept behind the custom GPT store is to combine user-submitted knowledge and instructions to curate more tailored versions of the AI chatbot. While OpenAI has already developed its own set of GPTs, such as Game Time and Laundry Buddy, it expects that the most exciting chatbots will be created by its global community.
Paid users will have the opportunity to promote their GPTs once they have verified their builder profiles and updated their chatbot’s privacy settings. Additionally, there is potential for users to generate income from their GPTs based on their chatbot’s popularity.
Although an image purportedly showing the GPT store briefly appeared online before being taken down by OpenAI, its authenticity has yet to be confirmed. The screenshot revealed a curated section featuring the top GPTs of the week, followed by a trending section.
The upcoming launch has sparked discussions on platforms like Reddit, with users expressing varying opinions. While some argue that the appeal of ChatGPT lies in its ability to serve as a superintelligent oracle, others contend that creating custom GPTs is necessary to obtain more specific results.
Logan Kilpatrick from OpenAI’s Developer Relations team engaged with users prior to the launch, asking them about the GPTs they were building. Responses included GPTs designed to create playlists, generate art based on weather conditions, and simulate debates with historical figures.
OpenAI’s custom GPT store launch promises to enhance user experiences by allowing them to create personalized chatbots that cater to their specific needs and preferences. This development from OpenAI holds potential for a new era of AI-powered interactions, enabling users to further optimize and customize their AI chatbot experience.