A woman in Hyderabad became a victim of an AI scam and lost Rs 1.4 lakh after receiving a call from someone pretending to be her nephew residing in Canada. The incident highlights the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, as scammers can now use AI technology to imitate voices and convince unsuspecting individuals to transfer money.
The 59-year-old woman received a call late at night, with the scammer posing as her nephew in distress. Claiming to have been involved in an accident and facing the threat of being jailed, the scammer requested the woman to transfer the money discreetly. Falling for the convincing impersonation, the woman transferred the funds into the scammer’s account.
Unfortunately, the woman later realized that she had fallen for a scam and lost her money. This incident is not isolated, as cyber experts have observed an increase in AI voice scams targeting individuals with family members living abroad, particularly in countries like Canada and Israel.
According to Prasad Patibandla, the Director of Operations at the Centre for Research on Cyber Intelligence and Digital Forensics (CRCIDF) in Delhi, AI voice imitating tools can accurately mimic a person’s voice using publicly available data, such as social media recordings or fraudulent sales calls. The scammers create a sense of urgency by fabricating a distressed situation in a foreign country, making the scams more effective.
As AI scams become more prevalent, Hyderabad city police officials are advising residents to exercise caution and be aware of these fraudulent tactics. It is crucial for individuals to verify the identity of callers, especially when they claim to be in distress and urgently need money.
In conclusion, the rise of AI technology has given scammers new tools to deceive people. As demonstrated by the unfortunate incident in Hyderabad, individuals must remain vigilant and skeptical, especially when it comes to sharing personal and financial information. It is important to verify the identity of callers and seek assistance from authorities if any suspicious activity is detected.