As the world changes, tech startups need to stay on their toes and weather any storm that comes their way. In March 2022, a perfect storm of different macroeconomic factors converged to create significant volatility in the markets. The Federal Reserve raised interest rates in reaction to this, resulting in high borrowing costs and restricted consumer demand. This, combined with lingering coronavirus-related supply chain issues, a tight labor market, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, resulted in a difficult market environment. Despite these challenges, tech startups can still succeed.
Much still relies on how they offer value to their customers and consumers. By adopting AI-based software and other technologies, businesses can benefit from increased productivity and improved security and efficiency. Software, including natural-language query data lakes, AI assistant tools, and robotic automation can help streamline processes and reduce the pressure of labor shortages on employees. Furthermore, ‘home improvement’ projects such as modernizing cybersecurity can also provide an opportunity for startups.
This downturn also provides startups with an opportunity to focus on sustainable growth and profitability rather than putting all the emphasis on top-line growth. As organizations look for permanent, technical solutions to these cyclical problems, those trying to stay ahead of the curve need to keep up with the latest technology trends and offer them to their customers.
OpenAI, launched in late 2021, provides a great example of tech startups offering valuable and powerful tools. Microsoft has reportedly invested $10 billion in the venture, which allows anyone to access natural-language processing tools for nearly any task, and quickly reached 1 million users after launching. Many businesses are taking their employees’ requests for more flexibility seriously and offering remote work for their staff members. With the right support, those businesses will retain their valuable talent.
ChatGPT, a company offering comprehensive natural language processing, is ready to revolutionize how AI works with only minimal code input. This is an invaluable asset that can help businesses save money and work smarter, especially during a downturn. Such technologies will continue to drive demand for tech startups and can create successful opportunities in the markets.
Microsoft and Google are providing a range of tools and services to help startups access large language models and capitalize on the potential of robotic automation. As robots become smarter, lighter, and more affordable, they will continue to advance beyond factories and into other fields, such as healthcare.
The CEO of a Fortune 500 company has shared his views on the pandemic, saying it “accelerated his plans to automate several factories”. This could be a great opportunity for startups in the long run, as robotic automation also helps organizations gain access to data visibility streams, optimizing operations and supply chain management.
The days of relying on fundraising alone to survive are gone, and tech startups need to stay ahead of the competition by providing value and offering innovative services to their customers. Adapting to this new and less-forgiving climate can lead to business success, and the necessary tech tools are available to make it happen.