IIT Guwahati, one of India’s prestigious technical institutes, is introducing an exciting BSc (Hons) program in Data Science & AI, set to launch in October 2023. This program comes in response to the rapidly evolving and technology-driven world, where there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence.
By offering this Bachelor’s degree, IIT Guwahati aims to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and expertise to excel in this dynamic field. The program is designed to shape students’ futures and provide them with a career boost, as artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize various industries, making it a golden opportunity for those passionate about data science and AI.
What sets this program apart is its flexibility in terms of learning experiences. Students will have the option to study at their own pace, allowing them to complete the program in a timeframe of 4 to 8 years. This arrangement ensures that students can balance their academic pursuits with other commitments they may have.
The program curriculum will cover a wide range of topics, including deep learning, AI ethics, and proficiency in over 50 programming languages, tools, and libraries. This comprehensive approach will enable students to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and develop practical skills through internships and capstone projects. By doing so, students will be well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges in their professional careers.
For those interested in applying for the October 2023 batch, the application deadline is September 30, 2023, with a nominal fee of INR 500 for all applicants. The enrollment list will be released on October 1, 2023, and classes are scheduled to commence on October 30, 2023.
By offering a flexible learning structure, an industry-relevant curriculum, and hands-on experience, the Bachelor of Science (Honors) program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at IIT Guwahati serves as a gateway for students to a promising future. It not only empowers individuals to excel in the tech industry but also enables businesses to stay competitive and assists the government in fostering tech talent.
In conclusion, IIT Guwahati’s introduction of the BSc (Hons) program in Data Science & AI reflects the institute’s commitment to meeting the growing demand for skilled professionals in the field. With its flexible learning options, industry-relevant curriculum, and practical experiences, this program offers students the opportunity to thrive in the ever-expanding world of technology.