Archer, the long-running animated spy series, is set to return to its roots for its 14th and final season. The show has gained a reputation for its constant reinvention, but this time, the writers are going back to the original formula that made it a hit. Premiering on August 30th on FXX, with episodes streaming on Hulu the next day, the final season promises to be a thrilling journey for fans.
Throughout its run, Archer has taken on different genres and storylines, from the classic spy spoof format to a team of misfits navigating the changing world of espionage. However, in season 14, the superspy Sterling Archer, played by H. Jon Benjamin, and his colleagues are returning to their original spy-spoof-meets-workplace-sitcom dynamic. This means balancing their spy missions with everyday office problems like renovations and employee evaluations.
One major change in the final season is the shift in leadership. Archer’s ex-partner, Lana Kane, voiced by Aisha Tyler, takes on the role of leading the dysfunctional team. This position was previously held by Sterling’s mother, Malory Archer, who was portrayed by the late Jessica Walter. Season 13 saw the agency struggling to find a new equilibrium without Malory, but now Lana steps up to the challenge. However, she quickly finds herself replicating Malory’s behaviors, adding an interesting dynamic to the story.
The final season also provides a fresh perspective on other characters. Dr. Algernop Krieger, the mad scientist voiced by Lucky Yates, remains hilarious as ever with his eccentric experiments and unconventional remarks. Pam Poovey, the human resources director, and Cyril Figgis, the accountant, return to their office jobs after their time as field agents, bringing back their clumsy antics and unusual dynamics. Cheryl/Carol Tunt, played by Judy Greer, has evolved over the series and fits perfectly into the new hierarchy.
A new addition to the team is Zara Khan, voiced by Natalie Dew, who takes on the role of a spy and serves as Sterling’s foil in the field. Her presence adds even more competitiveness and sparks comedic moments. The writing in the final season remains as sharp as ever, with clever jokes woven into the dialogue. The limited animation style ensures that the action sequences rely on the characters’ banter and wit, leading to creative solutions in various predicaments.
The final season of Archer continues with its tradition of parodies and tackles a range of action tropes. The first two episodes focus on Zara’s introduction and a mission involving international jewel thieves, reminiscent of the show’s James Bond roots. The fourth episode gives a nod to Mission: Impossible, shedding light on Sterling’s tendency to get beaten up by villains. Each episode offers its unique flavor while retaining the show’s signature goofiness.
In episode three, titled Plaque Removal, the team embarks on an entirely different adventure with Lennie James playing a reverse Indiana Jones. The episode raises questions about the morality of their missions, embracing the show’s recurring theme. The balance between on-the-nose jokes and thought-provoking moments adds depth to the storyline.
Fans of Archer can rejoice as the final season promises to be a memorable one. With the show returning to its spy-spoof roots and exploring familiar dynamics, viewers can expect a mixture of nostalgia and excitement. The fresh twists, hilarious character dynamics, and smart writing make Archer’s final season an experience that fans won’t want to miss.
Set your calendars for August 30th when Archer’s 14th and final season premieres on FXX, with episodes available for streaming on Hulu the following day. Prepare for a wild ride filled with laughs, action, and a bittersweet goodbye to a beloved animated series.