The Mumbai Police and IMC Ladies Wing – Aamchi Mumbai Safe Mumbai Committee recently held their ‘CyberSafe Mumbai’ Poster Making Competition, where 3 lakh students from across India had participated. Recently, the Governor of Maharashtra – Ramesh Bais had presented the prizes to the 120 winners and runners-up who attended the grand ceremony at the Raj Bhavan. Acting as the event’s hosts were Co-Chairperson of Aamchi Mumbai Safe Mumbai Committee, Reena Rupani and President of IMC Anant Singhania.
Rotary District Governor Sandip Aggarwalla, Cyrus Broacha, Kunal Vijayakar, Shobhaa De and Ashwin Sanghi were some notable names who had lent their support to the movement, by way of sharing messages and videos on social media. Top 12 winners were felicitated with brand new Samsung Galaxy Tabs and also awarded medals that acknowledged them as Cyber Safety Ambassadors.
Several companies such as Responsible Netism, Kokuyo Camlin Ltd, Rotary District 3141 and Kitab Khana had made sure the event was a resounding success, by providing their support and resources. The event had a festive atmosphere with the lawns of Raj Bhavan decorated with a colourful display of the children’s creative artworks on the theme of cyber safety.
The movement was spearheaded by Roma Singhania and Vice President, Amrita Somaiya, with Mithila Akre, Zarine Sanjana and other office staff working hard to ensure the success of the initiative. The success of the event is a testament to the potential of the creative minds of young people in India, who have become Cyber Safety Ambassadors, sharing their newfound knowledge with their families, friends, and neighbours.