Title: Jolly Roger’s ChatGPT Tool Thwarts Scammers and Telemarketers, Wasting Their Time
Are you tired of dealing with annoying scam calls? Do you wish you could give those telemarketers a taste of their own medicine? Well, your wish has come true! Jolly Roger, a revolutionary telephone service, has found a clever way to handle scammy telemarketers. And it will only cost you $24.99 a year!
Jolly Roger utilizes ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, and voice modulation software to create and read scripts to telemarketers. By impersonating fictitious characters, Jolly Roger can engage these unwanted callers indefinitely, wasting their precious time and delivering immense satisfaction to you.
Imagine a scammer unwittingly falling into a conversation with Whitey Whitebeard, a bumbling senior citizen, or getting trapped by Salty Sally, an easily distracted mother. These fictional characters, brought to life by Jolly Roger, are designed to keep telemarketers engaged for as long as possible.
Founded seven years ago, Jolly Roger recently incorporated ChatGPT capabilities, and the results have been astounding. According to Roger Anderson, the company’s co-founder, they have successfully kept telemarketers on the phone for up to 30 minutes.
Accessing the service is simple. Users only need to subscribe to gain entry to Jolly Roger’s cloud-based phone system and accompanying apps. These apps allow users to view, listen to, and share recorded calls between the AI bot and frustrated telemarketers. Users can even create their own unique characters to further enthrall the scammers.
Since its establishment in 2016, Jolly Roger has aimed to combat the escalating problem of spam calls. According to YouMail’s robocall index, the number of spam calls made to US consumers has surged from 2.28 billion in February 2016 to a staggering 5.08 billion in May 2023.
Anderson and co-founder Steve Berkson operate Jolly Roger in their spare time alongside their day jobs in the telecommunications industry. Initially, the process involved hiring voice actors to record scripts, but with the introduction of ChatGPT, they have automated and diversified the process, creating more characters and scenarios to captivate telemarketers.
The power of this chatbot lies in its ability to generate scripts that Jolly Roger feeds into Play.HT, an AI-powered text-to-voice generator. Play.HT then reads the scripts with the chosen character’s voice. The creation of these personas has been a collaborative effort, with friends and family contributing to the character development.
For instance, Whitey Whitebeard’s voice is provided by Sid Berkson, Steve’s father, who only needed to provide a 45-second sample audio for Play.HT to clone his voice.
However, there were some initial challenges with the AI system. Anderson explains, I had to experiment with superprompts because the system initially said, ‘as a helpful AI model, it’s not in my nature to waste time.’ Eventually, they fine-tuned the superprompts to make the bots both helpful and engaging.
While it’s true that Jolly Roger can only occupy a fraction of active scam callers, its integration of AI technology comes at a crucial time. Washington is actively seeking to crack down on call centers flooding US consumers with robocalls.
Jolly Roger’s innovative approach empowers individuals to reclaim their time while amusingly frustrating scammers and telemarketers. With its ability to keep unwanted callers engaged and distracted, Jolly Roger is a game-changer in the battle against spam calls.
Remember, for just $24.99 a year, you can turn the tables on those pesky nuisances and ensure they waste their own time instead of yours. Say goodbye to scam calls once and for all!